I returned the other week from an extremely enjoyable trip to Patras, Greece where the 39th Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) was held. The meeting occurred in tandem with the the 74th Annual Meeting of the International Committed on Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP).
A big shout out to the organisers Professors Kimon Christanis and Stavros Kalaitzidis, both from the

A bit of pre-conference dinner and drinks by the sea. L-R: Joan Esterle, Tim Moore and Sandra Rodrigues.
University of Patras who made everyone feel welcomed and valued. The talks were illuminating and of the highest quality.
If you want to know about organics in the geological cycle, these are the meetings – and people! – you need to attend and see. Topics ranged from palaeoclimate to pores, from thermal maturation to ancient ecologies. Presenters were from all continents on Earth, with the exception, of course, of Antarctica.
If you are a geologist and you are not looking at organics in your section, then you are missing a large part of the story.
I have to say too that rarely have I been in a country (Greece) where it seems everyone was so friendly! What a fantastic place. Stop what you are doing and go there!
Ok. That was the look back. Now a look forward:
Next year’s meeting will the 40th Annual Meeting of TSOP and it will be in the completely unique, utterly interesting, and well placed country of Mongolia – specifically in the city of Ulaanbaatar.
The meeting will start on the 14th of September with two workshops (one on shale and another on critical minerals) followed by two days of technical sessions. We are planning a pre-conference, 1-day cultural field trip and a ~4-day post-conference geological field trip to the wilds of Mongolian. It promises to exceptional.
The website is being made, and details will come before the end of the year. But mark your calendars NOW and prepare to attend!
Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
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