Tag Archives: Borneo


In March I had the pleasure of accompanying the PhD candidate Edafe Ominigbo (School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of Technology) to Kalimantan, which is the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo.  We were there to collect mafic rocks as part of his study. I know very little about igneous petrography (I […]

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Out of Time

How the newly published paper “Constraints from lamprophyre petrogenesis on the timing of Eocene lithospheric thinning and associated rifting of Borneo and Sulawesi” (Murphy et al., 2024) came to be has an interesting history. Well, to me anyway.  If we take the Way Back Machine* to the mid-1980s, when I was doing my PhD field […]

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New Paper: Evaluation of peat character in Kutai lakes area, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

Ever get that sinking feeling? Well, if you were standing in the Kutai lakes area in central Borneo you’d be right to think so. And its not just because it is full of peat and wetlands. Located about 100 km from the nearest coast and surrounded by low, heavily vegetated hills, that border on becoming […]

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Field Work in the Senakin Peninsula: Part III – NEW PAPER

The fruits – as they say – had finally ripened and what fell off the tree? A paper of course*. A nice fat, juicy paper about those lovely Eocene-age volcanics that lie within the Senakin Peninsula. After a couple of decades wondering when someone would publish on the basalts and volcaniclastic sediments in Kalimantan Selatan […]

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Field Work in the Senakin Peninsula: Part II- Finding Volcanics

The speedboat skipped from wave to wave effortlessly; Tanjung Dewa was on our left and then it was gone. A head of us I could see the Senakin Peninsula, its dark forests tangled with cloud. The chill morning air made me smile. My three colleagues, Mr Mike Friederich, Prof Hendra Amijaya and Dr Ferian Anggara, […]

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Blue Skies Beijing

Yes, I know. Normally the words ‘blue skies’ and ‘Beijing’ aren’t in such close proximity. Yet, when I was there just a couple of weeks ago, it was indeed blue skies. Warm, yes; smoggy, not really. Though I was inside much of the time … I was in the captivating capital of China for the […]

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Part III – The Miocene Coal-Bearing Section: Geological Time Travel in East Kalimantan. The Society for Organic Petrology Field Trip

The next morning we woke up in the Miocene. After two full days of living in the present, we found ourselves fossicking around in sediments that were 15 million years old. They say a lot can happen in an afternoon, and indeed a lot did happen in the previous 5 billion afternoons. The march of […]

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Part II – The Mahakam River Delta: Geological Time Travel in East Kalimantan. The Society for Organic Petrology Field Trip

The morning was smoky and hazy as we made our way to the docks from the hotel. A forecasted El Niño year was already being felt in East Kalimantan (Borneo) as evidenced by the fires through out the region. Still, we were all looking forward to going out on the infamous (at least in geological […]

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The Enigma of the Pinang Dome, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia

  It’s always surprising to be caught out by an assumption. In this case I was writing a first draft of a paper on the effects of rank change (that is, change in organic maturation) on a coalbed methane reservoir. The study area, known locally as the Pinang Dome, is located in Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. […]

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The Society for Organic Petrology Conference: Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2015

In 2015 The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) will hold its annual conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This is great news as it will help highlight and educate the international science community on Indonesia’s extensive and varied hydrocarbon resources. The conference organizers are Dr Tim A. Moore (Cipher & University of Canterbury, Christchurch), Dr Chairul Nas […]

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