Programme & Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Conference of The Society for Organic Petrology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 20-27th of September 2015.
We are nearly there! – The 32nd Annual Conference of The Society for Organic Petrology will be held in a few days time. The Organising Committee wishes to thank all the speakers and poster presenters for all their hard work and for all attending participants for their presence. We know that during this current economic climate it is especially hard to attend conferences. Each participant will receive both a hard and an electronic copy of the Program & Abstracts.
We would like to extend a huge thanks to the sponsors. Without them we could not have held the meeting this year.
- Chevron
- P.T. Geoservices
- ERC Pty Ltd
- Austar Gas Pty Ltd
- Core Laboratories Ltd
- GGR Consulting Team
- Resolutionz Consulting Ltd
- Cipher Consulting Ltd
We would like to point out that several of the sponsors are companies owned or headed by TSOP members and former members (e.g. Peter Crosdale, Hendra Amijaya, Xingjin Wang, Jane Shearer, Tim Moore) – thanks for stepping up during these tougher-than-normal-times.
We also are highly appreciative of the endorsements by the Indonesian Association of Geologists and Perhapi – the Indonesian Association of Mining Professionals. These are key professional organisations in Indonesia and we are honoured to have their backing.
See else where in the Newsletter for a full list of titles but we have 37 talks and 31 posters at this year’s meeting. In addition there are 22 student presentations. We also have participants from around the world: Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK and the USA.
We hope most of you will be able to join us for the Conference dinner. Depending on weather we’ll watch the traditional Ramayana Ballet with the ancient Prambanan Temple in the background.

Cover of the field trip guide to the Mahakam fluvial-deltaic system (108 pp), Edited by Tim A. Moore.
The post-conference field trip is well attended. We have 22 participants who will join us for our trip to the Kutai Basin in East Kalimantan (Borneo). We’ll spend four days looking at modern and ancient organic-rich environments along and around the Mahakam River-Delta complex. The field trip leaders are Prof D. Hendra Amijaya (Gadjah Mada University, Yogjakarta, Indonesia), Dr Adang Bachtiar (National Energy Council, Jakarta, Indonesia), Dr Tim A. Moore (Cipher Consulting Ltd., Christchurch, New Zealand & Brisbane, Australia), and Prof Chairul Nas (Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia).
The Kutai Basin has been a colossal sediment trap. Since major inversion started about 25 million years ago (late Upper Oligocene – early Lower Miocene) it has accumulated over 8,500 m (or nearly 30,000 feet, for those less metrically inclined) of sediment in some places. If the cause and source of these sediments have been the uplift of the central mountain ranges of Borneo, the mechanism of delivery has been past ancestors of the Mahakam fluvial and deltaic system. It is that 25 million year history that will be explored on the four-day trip. The trip will start with the past, return to the present for two days and end with a last look at the ancient, Miocene-age Mahakam sediments. The goal of the trip is to get the participants to think deeply about how processes of sedimentation and basin development are the same or differ from the past to the present. Are the drivers that were active 25 million years ago still present today? What evidence do the rocks show us that allows us to decipher such questions?
We look forward to seeing all of you in Yogyakarta! Selamat Datang!
—- Organising Committee
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